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“i am …
a dancer, dreamer, designer, desirer
artist and art enthusiast
a crafter, creator, card collector
writer and children’s lit lover

i value…
kindness, compassion, best intentions, and forgiveness
beauty of God’s design, depth of one’s soul
simplicity, humility, generosity, and grace
and I will always seek to identify, to add, beauty to the world around me, no matter how small that gift may be”

years ago, as i faced the world at large upon my college graduation, i had a degree, a teaching license, and all the fear and trepidation that comes with life no longer having a delineated course outline.  while i knew that a teaching job was the inevitable next step, i had this longing for something less obvious.  so when the offer to audition for a professional ballet company presented itself, i took a leap of faith and gave it my best.  and that was enough.  soon i found myself off the beaten path, dancing professionally, teaching part-time, and enjoying the chance to fracture my days with my diverse interests.  it was at this same time that i started to complete small, customized painting projects for friends and began to imagine what it would be like to offer this humble talent to the world at large.  i envisioned a bit of beauty, my small business of customized creations, and began to take meager steps towards its inception.  but god knew, and i soon discovered, the time wasn’t right, and the idea was shelved for more conventional career decisions…‘til now.  

 why now?

 because i no longer fear that timid voice inside me, the one beckoning to be heard, which has been whispering to me for some time.  actually, it’s been writing words upon my heart since the time i was a little girl, writing and illustrating stories, drawing and coloring incessantly, and looking forward to yearly summer art camps.  but when you’re little, these are mere childhood pastimes, the ‘play’that is readily offered children and denied adults.  fortunately for me, though, god had been listening to my quiet inner voice and helped me hear it, too.  and i did.

 yes, this is still a scary step for a very ‘play it safe’gal, but how are we to discover our full potential, if we never learn to put it to the test?  one of my favorite quotes (and i love quotes) posted near my bed is, “when i stand before god at the end of my life, i hope i have nothing left and can say, ‘i used everything you gave me.’”  if i’ve been given many blessings in this life, i can only seek to use them to their fullest, offering them back up as my thanksgiving to god for entrusting me with them.  that, then, is what this humble business, is: 

my proclamation of the beauty, the grace, i’ve been given and seek to re-gift.
